Community Homecoming Park, Holland | June 15-19
Wednesday, Thursday, June 15-16: 5 p.m.-close
Friday, June 17: 4 p.m.-close
Saturday, Sunday, June 18-19: Noon-close
Parade: Sunday, June 19, 1 p.m.
Come one come all to the strawberry festival .Come out and enjoy some shortcake, shakes and some strawberry pies. After you finish snaking on some strawberry favorites, stroll down the midway and try your luck and some carnival games, or watch the kids ride the multiple rides. Maybe while the kids are riding rides take a look at the many vendors selling their many items. then when you are really hungry enjoy some great food from one of our many food vendors
Ages 7-and-under is free admission, ages 8-and-above $3 at the gate.
Arm bands for the rides can be purchased for $25 each. The festival starts 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday till close 4pm Friday till close and Saturday and Sunday noon till close. There will be no pageant this year. DJ will be playing on the stage Wednesday thru Sunday. Sunday will be the end of the festival parade starting at 1pm in the village of Holland and traveling through the street to the festival. Bring your favorite strawberry dish that you want to show off for the bake off on Sunday, prizes awarded to the top three dishes.